Japanese SFXEnglish TranslationNotesExamples
イライラ・いらいらgrr; irk irkto be annoyed
どきん・ドキンb-bmp; b-dmpheartbeat; heart skipping a beat
ぴく・ピクjolt; twitchusually quick movement from surprise; twitch of the fingers; also see びく・ビク
ビク・びく・ビクッ・びくっjolt; flinchflinching from surprise; also see less intense ぴく・ピクsomeone's shoulders abruptly lifting from surprise; someone jumping from shock
がーん・ガーンshock; gasp; what!shock from something (usually unfortunate) happening
ポイ・ぽいyeet; fwing; fling; toss
バサバサ・ばさばさflutter flutter; rustle rustle; rstl rstl
ブロロロ・ぶろろろputt putt puttcar/bus running
ぶるぶる・ブルブルshake shake; shiver shivershaking
ぶるんぶるん・ブルンブルンjiggle jiggle; fwoom fwoom (if heavy)
ぷりぷり・プリプリwiggle wiggle; jiggle jiggleto be slightly bouncy when touched
ぷりぷり・プリプリhuff huff; fumeto be angry; fuming; in a huff
ぷるんぷるん・プルンプルンjiggle jigglesoftly jiggling, often used for puddingJigglypuff
ぷんぷん・プンプンhuff huff; fumebeing in a bad mood; fuming; angry
ペタコッthmppressing a wax seal on a letter/envelope
ホカホカ・ほかほかpoff poffWarm; steaming
ポタポタsplat splatDripping soundOften used for blood or viscous liquid
ぼすん/ボスンfwumphitting the ground
やふふーうWoohoo!Person yelling in excitement
よろstaggerlike よろめく
ゴロゴロpurr purrcat purring
ゴロゴロrumble rumblesomething heavy rollingboulder rolling
ゴロンゴロンroll rollsomething tumbling or rolling
ゴンッ・ごんっ・ごん・ゴンthunk; thuda hollow thud
リンゴーンdonngschool bell dinging (large bell)
リンゴーンリンゴーンdong dongSchool bells
わあああ/ワアアアyaay; wooo; yeaaahcheering
わしpatGirl’s hair being pat
ミーン・みーんvreeeencicada calls; usually associated with summer
ドキドキ・どきどきb-dmp; ba-dmp; throb; b-bmp; ba-bumpexcitement, usually nervous; sound of a heart pounding
プルプルqvr qvr; shake shake; shiver shiver
バッlift; fwip; flip
ガタガタrattle rattle
シーン・しーん・しいん・シインcricket cricket (good for comedic effect); hush; stillsilence
バキcrack; snap
ビューfwoo; fwoosh
チチチチtsk tsk tsk tsk; ps ps ps ps; ks ks ks ks; tch tch tch tchsound made when calling a cathttps://youtu.be/eFXSt1jjgdE
チッチッチッチッtsk tsk tsk tsk; ps ps ps ps; ks ks ks ks; tch tch tch tchsound made when calling a cathttps://youtu.be/eFXSt1jjgdE
フンフンsniff sniff; huff huff; hff hffsmelling something
ハア/はあhuff; hffbreathing out
プンス・ぷんすhmph, huff, fumesomeone mad and fuming
ワクワクwoohoo; yayexcitement; from ワクワクする
もぐもぐ・モグモグchewchewing something inside the mouth
もっ・モッnom; chompfrom もぐもぐ; eating
もぞもぞ・モゾモゾshuffle shufflemoving around, stirring
キュッ・きゅっsquekA faucet being turned
トボトボ・とぼとぼplod plod; trudge trudgeto trudge, often wearily, sometimes downtroddenly after something disappointing has happened
すっ・スッtap; tmp
ずんずんずん・ズンズンズンthud thud thudheavy footsteps
すぽぽん・スポポンtum tumsound when hitting a taiko drum
すー・スーphew; whewbreathing out
すー・スーzzz; dozelight sleeping
ずかずか・ズカズカtmp tmpto walk right up to something without hesitation; See ツカツカ
ず・ズshwf; slipslipping
せかせか・セカセカfidget fidget; fuss fussunable to calm down
そわそわ・ソワソワfidget fidgetbeing restless
たし・タシpad; tmpwalking around
たたた・タタタtmp tmp tmp; tp tp tpfootsteps
たたん・タタンka-tunk; ka-lunka train clanking as it moves
たっ・タッtmp; dash
だーっ・ダーっwhoosh; woosh; fwshRunning; Turning around quickly
チーンdingpresenting a meatball on a plate
ちくちく・チクチクpang; twinge; zing; stinga pang/sting from a negative emotion
ちゅっ・チュッsmoocha kiss
てくてく・テクテクtrot trotLight walking
てちてち・テチテチthomp thomp
てんてん・テンテンboing boing; thwop thwop; pong pongsomething lightly bouncing
どす・ドスjab; stab
どっ・ドッLol; wah ha ha; guffawLoud laughter; from ドッとする
どどど・ドドドtmp tmp tmpPerson walking ominously
ドオオオンta-daaahsomething visible that shouldn’t be (comedic)
ドシwhamperson falling to the floor after being hit
ドタドタstomp stomp
ぼとりthump; thudsomething heavy dropping
トプリとto sink completely; often referring to the sun setting
トプリとcompletely; entirely
トプリとSame as とっぷり
ぬっ・ヌッsniffDog sniffing
のそ・ノソlurch; plod
バアーンbaaamshocking revelation
パカーン・ぱかーんka-thunkchopped through a chopping board
パクパク・ぱくぱくglub glubSound of a mouth silently opening and closing
パクパク・ぱくぱくgapedSound of a mouth silently opening and closing
バシャーンfwap!pin landing on clothing dramatically
バタンslamDoor shutting
バタンthmpbook closing
パチ・ぱちflick; flk; blinkEyes opening; avoid "snap" when used for eyes
パチパチ・ぱちぱちclap clapApplause; sometimes written as “888” (はちはちはち)
パチン・ぱちんsnipSound of knife flipping open
はぐ・ハグnom, chomptaking a bite of something to eat
はふはふ・ハフハフpant pantDog panting
ばっ・バッfwp; fwshtsomeone letting go of something abruptly, especially another person's hand
ばっ・バッfreezeperson stopping
ぱくっ・パクッchompdog eating treat
バパパパパ・ぱぱぱぱぱvrrmmCar driving
パリッ・ぱりっfreshpressed shirt being put on
パリン・ぱりんkrakWindow being shattered by cloth-covered arm
バンslamDoor opening
ひそひそ・ヒソヒソwsp wsp; psstwhispering
ひょこひょこ・ヒョコヒョコwobble wobble
ぴしっ・ピシッfwpSound of paper being held up
ピシッ・びしっshupstanding straightDog standing at attention
ぴょこぴょこ・ピョコピョコbounce; sproing sproing; skip (when referring to walking); hopbouncing or springy with an up and down motiona person nodding; "spring" in someone's step; bouncing pigtails
ぴょんこ・ピョンコboingJumping rope
ぴょん・ピョンhop; hyaha light hopGirl jumping over vaulting box
ヒルル・ひるるflit; fwmpsomething flitting down; usually not a heavy soundBoard falling from a building
ぴよぴよ・ピヨピヨcheep cheepcheeping of chicks (especially of chickens)
ふんふん・フンフンmmhmm; uh-huhvoicing agreement with another person
ぶくぶく・ブクブクblup blup
ブロロロ・ぶろろろvrrmBus running
ガバッ・がばっ・がば・ガバshwf; vwoosh; spring; whupquickly getting up
ズバババ/ずばばばbrrp burrfthrowing up bad cooking
バサバサ・ばさばさflap; fwapBird flapping its wings
ガコン・がこんka-shunkdoor opening
ガコン・がこんkchukdoor opening
ガシャン・がしゃんthunk; crash; bam; clang; clank
がしゅがしゅ・がシュガシュchomp chompeating furiously
ガション・かしょんkachungElevator door closing
ガチャ・がちゃclick; klikphone being hung up
ガチャ・がちゃchakDoor opening
ガチャ・がちゃklatSetting down a tray
かっ・カッ・カツ・かつ・かっかっ・カッカッ・カツカツ・かつかつklak; clompFootsteps—especially heels
ガヤガヤ・がやがやchatter chatter
ガラガラ・がらがらclonk clonkCart rattling
カラン・からんdingClinking; bell ringing
ガンガン・がんがんklang klang
キイイ・きいいscreeeAirplane landing
キイイ・きいいskreeViolin being played badly
ジーワジーワ・じーわじーわbzz bzz; chrr chrr; chirp chirp; vreen vreencrescendo of cicadas, usually in association with summer; sometimes paired with ミーンミーン
コクリ・こくりnod; bobquick nod or bow
がちゃがちゃ・ガチャガチャgrumble grumbleto complain a lot
ガシャ・がしゃclang; jangle; messy; k-chak (if used in same sense as ガチャ)small objects hitting each other noisily; something messy with lots of little things strewn about; also see ガチャ for gachapon sense
ガシャン・がしゃんchak; kreesh; klanga clank sound; door closing
きょろ・キョロglance; scanlooking around
ぎくっ・ギクッjolt; gulp; urkto be startled; often after someone else says something implicative
ぎっ・ぎゅ・ぎゅう・ギッ・ギュ・ギュウskweeze; squeeze; clencha hug, clenching a fist
キューン・きゅーんba-dumpPerson blushing
ギューン・ぎゅーんba-dumpPerson blushing
キラキラ・きらきらsparkle sparkle
くしゃ・クシャruffle; tupruffling someone's hair
くらくら・クラクラswoonto feel dizzy (not necessarily a negative meaning—giddy)
くら・クラswoonsee くらくら
ぐいぐい・グイグイyankpush or pull hard; sometimes slight negative image
ぐい・グイyank; pull; tugsomeone pulling another person by the hand
ぐぐ・ググstrugg strugg; strain; heavestruggling to do something; exerting effort
ぐわっ・グワッbwa haPerson sneakily hitting someone from behind
ぐ・グclench; klenchsomeone clenching their hand into a fist
こくっ・コクッ・こく・コクnodNodding head
ゴゴゴゴ・ごごごごdoom, rrrrr, rm rm, rmbl rmbl, dun dun; tum tum tum tum; rhhm rhhmominous soundan eerie hallway
ゴゴ・ごごwhirrdoor opening after electrical lock disengages
コチticClock ticking
ゴソゴソrustle rustlerummaging through something
ゴボボボblub blub blubDrowning child
ゴポポポポgurgle glug glugDrowning child
ザザーンfzzzzzztFood appearing in a premonition (static-y sound)
ザッ・ざっtmp; shup; shfquick movement
ザッfzztStatic during a dog’s premonition
サラサラsfw sfwsmoothly writing something down
ごお・ゴオroar; flarethe roar of a fire
ざあ・ザアshaa; kssshrain coming down in sheets
ざわざわ・ザワザワchatter chatter; murmur murmur; hubbub; stir; psst; rustle; jostleCommotion of a crowd
ざわっ・ザワッjolt; shudder
ざわ・ザワchatter; murmurCommotion of a crowd
しゅんgloom; shwump
しんcricket cricket (good for comedic effect); hush; shh; stillsilence
じたたばたたflail flail
じたばたflail flail
じゃん/ジャンta-dah; ta-da (house spellings vary by publisher)fanfare; presenting something with flair; check the house style for correct spelling
じゃーんta-dah; ta-da (house spellings vary by publisher)fanfare; presenting something with flair; check the house style for correct spelling
シャアーfsssshsomeone taking a shower
ジリリリrringphone ringing
スタスタstomp stomp
スタスタtmp tmp
すく・スクstandsomeone standing up
すっ・スッshwfsomeone standing quickly from a seated position
パクパク・ぱくぱくflap flapopening and closing (often a mouth); sound doesn't necessarily need to be madekoi fish opening and closing their mouths when being fed
メーbaahgoat bleating
コッコッコッコbak bak bak bakthe sound a hen makes
コケコッコーcockadoodledoorooster crowing
ケロribbit; croakthe sound a frog makes
ドッthud; whmpsomething heavy falling and making a loud sound as it hits
タッscufftaking a quick step forward; breaking out into a run
よじよじhup hupman climbing onto a giant wolf's back
ビシpoint; schwipsomeone using their finger to point at something; usually a quick movement
プイsnubturning away sharply, negative connotation
プンプンsniff sniffinhaling to smell something
ドガ・どがkaboomexplosive sound
タン・たんPTOOMlaser sound
VWEEMlaser sound
KAZAPlaser sound
PACKmuffled thump
キーンコーンカーンコーンbing bong beng bong; ding dong dang dong; ding dong deng dong; ding dong bing bongclassic school bell
ワタワタ・わたわたfalterto become flustered; nervous panic from not knowing what to do; flounder/falterperson awkwardly fidgeting from nerves
ぽ・ポ・ポッ・ぽっflare; flash; fwooshta flame igniting
スポン・すぽんshloopsound of something fitting into something perfectly; of something sliding into place (the sound of the air seal being made)closing the top to a bento box
ガタンゴトン・がたんごとんktunk ktunkTrain running
ゴオン・ごおんthooma rumbling sound, slightly hollow
ゴオ・ごおrumble; roar; gwoo; vwooshloud and low sounda meteor; the roar of a fire
わんわん・ワンワンbow-wow; woof woof; wuff wuffa dog barking
わんわん・ワンワンwah wahsomeone crying
バリバリ・ばりばりpure, all in, 100%, purelynot really an SFX when used in this context, but could show up in a way that makes it seem like an SFX; make sure to look up other definitions tooバリバリの日本人 (i.e. "born and raised in Japan")
バリバリ・ばりばりvrr vrrsound of an engine revving up
バリバリ・ばりばりrip; tear; zhiippsomething being torn to shredspaper being torn to bits; cat scratching a post
バリバリ・ばりばりworking hard; putting in a lot of effort into something
ホクホク・ほくほくyippee; tickled pink; beam; merryhaving a pleased look
ピリ・ぴりemotional tension between people
ピリピリ・ぴりぴりtear, rip
ピリ・ぴりtear, rip
わいわい・ワイワイchatter chattercommotion of a crowd
ブクブク・ぶくぶくbubble bubble; froth froth; blub blubbubbles forming
よてよて・ヨテヨテtotter tottertottering footsteps, can sound kind of cutea toddler taking their first steps
ウキウキ・うきうきgiddy; merry; yay; yippeestate of being happy
ふわふわ・フワフワfluff; float; drift; glide; floof
ポス・ぽすfwump; patthe act of patting something fluffy (blanket or a pillow)
ぞろぞろ・ゾロゾロshuffle shufflelots of things rushing ina crowd shuffling into a train
イキイキ・いきいきpep pep; lively; brisk; active; zip zip; perky; chipperto be energetic and active
ぱき・パキkrak; kraklsnapping sound
ぴー・ピーfweet; fwee; tweea whistle
ハラハラ・はらはらfret fretbeing anxious; wavering from nervousness
チョロ・ちょろdart; scamperto quickly move from one spot to anothera person hovering over another person asking questions and darting from one side of them to another
わくわく・ワクワクhappy; yippee; yayexcitement, being thrilled, slightly nervousbutterflies in stomach feeling
すりすり・スリスリ・スーリ・すーりnuzzle; rubrubbing (often one's face) against something else lovingly; sometimes done as a sign of ownership (think cat rubbing its face against something)cat nuzzling a fish; rat nuzzling a piece of cheese
あわあわ・アワアワpanic; uh uh; fret freta person panicking or losing their cool; being in a fluster
あわあわ・アワアワbubble bubble; frothbubbles forming; soap bubbles; light bubbles like froth
ドン・どんthump; boink; thwak
パシ・ぱしgrabSomeone grabbing something
パシャ・ぱしゃflashcamera flash
プルルルring ring; bzz bzzRinging of a phone
ブンブンwave wave; fwoom fwoom
ボケdaze; blank; glazefrom 呆ける
ヒソヒソwsp wspwhispering
ズーン/ずーんloomlooming over something/someone, usually menacingly
チラglancegiving a quick look at something
モヤモヤ・もやもやhaze; fwuzz
モヤモヤ・もやもやponder ponder; muse; mull; brood; worrythinking; a thought bubble forming
カチカチfreezefreezing up from fear
カチカチtick tockclock hand ticking
バッshwipsticking hand in bag
チリチリsmartpain on skin from very cold or very hot (scorching) weather
コロコロklink klinksomething light rolling along; usually rocks
マンメンミwoomyfrom Splatoon
オオオオオroarrNight scene of buildings
オオオオオooooo; rooooarOminous hallway/passage; ominous place
ガガガガ・ががががbam bam bam bamchildren arguing
うとうと・ウトウトdoze; nod (when drifting to sleep); yawnDrifting to sleep; the action of nodding off where the head dips
ずん・ズンshuk; shoonksomething being thrust quickly into something elsesword being driven into a body
えぐえぐ・エグエグsniffle sniffle; wah wahcrying; similar to ぐずんぐずん but not all-out wailing
おほん・オホンahemclearing throat
かきかき・カキカキscritch scritchthink 掻く
かちん・カチンclicksomething clicking into a well-fitting spot
かちん・カチンzing; stingto feel offended or hurt; かちんと来る
カポーン・かぽーん・かぽん・カポンdrip drop; plonk; plunk; klunk; splishSound of a bowl in the bath hitting the ground; indicates the sound of water/bathing; Sound of the bamboo from a deer scare tipping
がくんがくん・ガクンガクンshake shakeChild shaking a dog
ガコオンkathnkheavy door closing
カコッthipmonocle being inserted into eye socket
ボンキュッボン・ぼんきゅっぼんva-va-voomdescribes an hourglass figure
ガクガク・がくがくchatter; clatter (from shivering)knees knocking together from shivering
ガク・ガクリ・がっくりswoop; jerk; halt; slump; crash (in the non-literal sense: "crashed" in the charts); nosedive; plummetsomething stops or falls abruptly; refers to the jerking motionthe jerk as a car suddenly brakes; missing a step on the stairs; crashed/nosedived in the popularity charts
ガク/ガクリ・がっくりslump; shwumpperson slumping from disappointment/something bad happening; similar to シュン but more abruptsomeone falling to their knees; someone's head lowering abruptly in disappointment
ゾクゾク・ぞくぞくshiver; quiver; jitterexcitement; goosebumps; a shiver of excitement; to be titillated
be careful when using "shiver" since might be mistaken for nervousness or a negative emotion
ゾクゾク・ぞくぞくshiver; shudder; quiver; trembleshivering from feeling cold or creeped out; careful not to mistake for other sense of shivering out of excitement
ガチャガチャ・がちゃがちゃmessysomething being clutteredcluttered desk
ガチャガチャ・がちゃがちゃchirp chirpcall of a specific type of grasshopper (クツワムシ)
ガチャ・がちゃgacha (as in a randomly drawn prize in a game)originated from gachapon machines which made a gachagacha noise when turning the handle, the term now also applies to mobile games with randomly drawn in-game items/prizes
ガチャガチャ・がちゃがちゃk-chakhard things hitting each othersound made when turning the handle on a capsule machine (gachapon)
パコーン・ぱこーんthwacksomething hitting a surface quickly and bouncing; ricochetball bounding off the ground
ツカツカ・つかつかtmp tmpto walk without hesitation; to walk right up to
ザクザク・ざくざくcrunchstepping on something crunchy or that grates against itself when pressure is applieda shovel digging into the dirt
ザグン・ざぐんkchunka shovel digging into the ground
バリン・ぱりんsmash; crunch; crack; fvwingsomething breaking, usually something hard (glass)
もにょもにょ・モニョモニョmumble mumbleto falter when speaking
よよ・ヨ・sobto start crying; comes from よよと泣く
よよよよ・ヨヨヨヨsob sobto start crying; comes from よよと泣く
キュッ・きゅっ・キュー・きゅーchug; glugdrinking very fast; chugging a drink, often refreshing; also see: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%81%8D%E3%82%85%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A8-477483
もっさあ・モッサアfrumpmessy in appearance
ヒョイ・ひょい・ひょいっ・ヒョイッhwup; yoinkpicking up something
ファンファン・ふぁんふぁんweewoo weewooPolice car siren; see: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13248584098
ピーポーピーポー・ぴーぽーぴーぽーweewoo weewooAmbulance siren; see: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13248584098
カンカン・かんかんklang klangFiretruck siren; see: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13248584098
ウー・うーweewoo weewooFiretruck siren; see: https://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13248584098
ざーん・ザーンkshh; wshh; zshhSoft lapping waves at a beach/the ocean
しゃかしゃか・シャカシャカthrum thrumSound of music leaking from earphones
すん・スンicy; blankA blank expression, often purposefully taken on to show dissatisfaction or that the person is unimpressed
パラリラパラリラ・ぱらりらぱらりらpalah reerah palah reerahSound of a motocycle horn; https://pocket-se.info/archives/1497/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qzlhAtAai0
ずひ・ズヒsniffleSimilar to ずびずび but less intense
ずびずび・ズビズビsniffle sniffleNose sniffles https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E3%81%9A%E3%81%B3%E3%81%9A%E3%81%B3
ずーずー・ズーズーsniffle sniffleNose sniffles
ひゅう・ヒュウfwooshwind rushing by
フィリリ・ふぃりりchirrup chirrup; chirr; chirp chirpThe sound a クサヒバリ makes. Type of cricket. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRFdrfkgJRI
ぼりぼり・ボリボリskritch skritchto scratch
むぐむぐ・ムグムグ・むぐ・ムグnom nom; nomChewing on something while not opening mouth
すん・スンpout; pause; mull; brood; icyA newer manga sound effect that likely came from うんともすんとも
Often used in comedic scenarios when someone goes silent, but also used for when a person reacts emotionally to something someone else has said without showing it on their face
ムク・むくrise; shup; hwup; huprising upsomeone sitting up, usually from bed
がるる・ガルルgrr; growl
ししし・シシシhee hee; heh hehLaugh similar to a ひひひ but more mischievous; https://blog.goo.ne.jp/bellwood0625/e/d4cdf93fd8550b7ed22b398aa9dbe020
すごすご・スゴスゴtrudge trudgeTo walk away in low sprits (similar to しおしお・シオシオ)
じーん・ジーンtouched; heartwarming; warm fuzzies; moved; sniffleHeartwarming feeling; to be moved or brought to happy tears
どーどー・ドードーwhoa whoaSaid to someone who is upset, similar to when settling down a horsehttps://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13127284533
チュンチュン・ちゅんちゅんchirp chirpBirds chirping, often in the morning when a character wakes up
むら・ムラhorny; bulge; huff; hot and botheredOften seen in spicier manga
プァーンhonk; choochooThe honk of a train as it departs
タッ・ダッ・たっ・だっkalunkClanking sound of a train as it departs
がし・ガシgrab; catch; snatchSomeone grabbing something or someone with their hand